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Monday, May 20, 2024

Library Summer Reading Program Starting Soon

Library Summer Reading Program Starting Soon
 This year’s theme all about exploring through your library

You’re invited to pack your bags, grab your compass & embark on the wildest readi.
ng adventure of the summer! The 2024 Summer Reading Theme is “Adventure Begins at Your Library” and the Barbara Moscato Brown Memorial Library is rolling out loads of events and fun activities this year!

 This year, we partnered with the Elk State Forest District Foresters and the Lumber Heritage Region to bring you two special events. 

The Library will have 3 in-person programs including our big end-of-program pizza party in late July with a library favorite Mr. Cris Johnson for those registered for Summer Reading, plus, lots of fun take-home crafts, activities, and prizes. Registration is May 20, 2024 through June 16, 2024, and you can register online by going to and locating the Summer Reading Program under our “Library Programs” tab. Parents and guardians, along with their children, can also register for the Summer Reading Program in person anytime during the library’s regular service hours. 

This year, we’re starting off the Summer Reading Program on Saturday, June 22 at 1pm with a very special kickoff event by Elk State Forest officers and maybe even a visit from Smoky Bear. Participants will get to learn about forestry and wildfire prevention, hear a story, and make their own “mud” cups with gummy candies to take home. 

On Tuesday, July 9, at 3pm Rowan Crisp from the Lumber Heritage Region will lead another special program and participants will get to do a scavenger hunt in the library. More details on this program to come. 

The reading portion of the Program runs for a 4-week period from June 22 through July 22, 2024. The end-of-program pizza party will be held Saturday, July 27 at 1pm. 

This year we are also partnering with regional libraries and local organizations for a summer-long Passport Program where participants can get a passport filled at area points of interest and community events throughout the summer to win prizes. More info on this to come. 

Reading requirements for Summer Reading are simple and every effort is made to adjust to a family's summer schedule of vacations and other events. Students, with help from parents or guardians, set their own reading goals for the number of books they will read each week during the Summer Reading Program. 

Those participating should do their best to pick up reading logs on Mondays to stay consistent. Encouraging youngsters to read over their summer vacation is the aim of the Summer Reading Program. There is no contest to see who can read the greatest number of books. EVERYONE who completes the Summer Program and fulfills their reading goals will be invited to a special party (along with some great surprises) at the conclusion of the Program.

 For more details, or to register find the “Library Programs” tab at or call the library at 814-486-8011.

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