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Thursday, May 9, 2024

CC Farmers Market Features Calder Wilds


Cameron County Farmers Market 

Good morning CamCo, only a couple of days until our first market and I hope you’re getting as excited as we are!  Today’s featured vendors are myself, Valerie van Breugel and my husband, Steve VanEerden with Calder Wilds. 

As well as running the market I also team up with Steve to grow a bounty of vegetables every year to sell at the market which has been a lot of fun! Market gardening was relatively new to me until a few years ago when I moved here but Steve has been growing vegetables for more than 20 years so he has been a fountain of information while I learned the ropes! 

 Steve completed the Master Gardener program a few years back and had created a beautiful garden below our house that we extended substantially last year to keep up with the demand at the market. We grow all sorts of vegetables from leafy greens such as spinach, kale, lettuce and pac choi to tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, peas, Brussel sprouts, different kinds of squashes and much more.

 A couple of years ago Steve and I also got into mushroom farming and since then we have grown our outdoor mushroom farm to include 10 different types of exotic mushrooms such as shiitake, lion’s mane, nameko, chestnut, blewit and 5 different varieties of oyster mushrooms. Being an outside operation the fruiting of the mushrooms is very weather dependent but we hope that they will coincide with the market days this season so that we can share our mushroom bounty with any shoppers who are as mad about mushrooms as we are! 

 It’s still early in the season so we will only have a couple of early spring vegetables at this Saturday’s market; spinach and rhubarb but we have a few other goodies to offer until the big harvests start coming in. This weekend we will be selling inoculated shiitake logs that you can take home to start your own mini mushroom farms. We have done all the work for you so you can just sit back and watch the mushrooms grow! We will also have a selection of baby plants, both indoor and outdoor available. 

This winter I took up a new hobby and started painting terracotta pots so will be bringing some of those to market as well for those of you looking for a splash of color for your indoor plants.! 

We are very much looking forward to market season again and hope to see you all there this Saturday, May 11th, 9am to 12pm at the Emporium Town Square!

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