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Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Donation to the Ed Bailey Memorial Trap Shoot

Pictured are Kevin and Nancy Couchman donating a shotgun to Mike Bacon of the Bucktail Rod And Gun Club. The donation will be going to a youth shooter that participates in the Ed Bailey Memorial Trap Shoot starting at noon on September 8th at the club.
 Each youth shooter (12th grade and under) will be entered for a chance to win this Mossberg semi-automatic 20 gauge, additionally for each bird the student hits their name will be entered into the drawing. One student will win the Gun, and 2 others will win $25.00 cash compliments of St. Marys Insurance Agency. There are plenty of prizes for the adult shooters as well. 
Food and drinks will be available for purchase at the event. 
Pre registration by Aug 30th would be appreciated by contacting Mike at 814-203-2624. 
We hope to see you there.

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