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Saturday, July 8, 2023

RVW Second Saturday Concert Series Update

Rich Valley Wines

We at Rich Valley Wines want to thank you all for your continued support of the Second Saturday Concert Series! 

 Over the last two summers it has grown into an exciting event for us, the community, and concert goers! Last month broke all the records! But with success comes a few growing pains! After the June 10th event we received a lot of feedback. Most very positive, but a few negatives we would like to address. We need your help to keep this the fun, family friendly event that it is! 
One of the problems was the restroom situation! 

This past event was so successful that capacity became a problem. Please respect all of the neighbors, and don’t trespass on someone else’s property! Even if you have to go really, really bad! The neighbors brought this issue to our attention. We are working with the Cameron County Chamber of Commerce and The Emporium Borough to find long term solutions to benefit all community events. In the meantime, we are adding a second Port-A-Potty at our expense to help alleviate the lines. We are always looking for sponsors for these types of services. If you or your business or organization are interested in sponsoring the Port-A-Potty, they are about $150 per event or $800 for the season (each).

Secondly, the smoking 
 We ask that you refrain from smoking or vaping, of anything, around the other concert attendees (unless your on fire, especially those with children. We ask that you moving to the public sidewalks when the need arises. The Canadian Wildfires were bad enough! Litter 

Please use the provided receptacles and help us make the cleanup easier for us at the end of the night! If you have cans or water bottles please use the blue recycling cans. Outside Alcohol 

Please do not bring outside alcohol to the events. Your purchases help us defray the many, behind the scenes, costs to put on an event like this. The concert series is privately funded with some support from sponsors like Dominion Powdered Metal, C&N Bank of PA, Embassy Powdered Metal, and individual contributions as well. We organize and fund the concert series because we love our community! 
Thank you for your understanding and we look forward to seeing you there! 

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