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Thursday, June 27, 2024

Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Manager Needed


Cameron County Fire Wire 
 Cameron County Ambulance Service

 Cameron County Ambulance Association is looking for a Full Time Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Manager. 
Brief responsibilities include, oversee the operations of the 24/7 Ambulance Service. 
Direct and oversee the supervision of EMS staff. Manage the budget, inventory, scheduling, billing and other specific administrative functions. Process billing and insurance reimbursements. Develop and present related reports and proposals to the Board of Directors. 

 Interested candidates should have:
• PA Certified Emergency Medical Responder or higher 
• Knowledge of QuickBooks 
• Knowledge of EMS Billing 
 • Knowledge of Pennsylvania EMS rules and regulations
 • Strong interpersonal and communication skills
 • Good managerial skills
 • Strong work ethic 
• Strategic problem-solving skills 

 Interested applicants should send an application letter and related experience to by July 14, 2024.

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