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Thursday, July 6, 2023

Cameron County Farmers Market Welcomes David English

Cameron County Farmers Market 

We are happy to announce that coming back to the market this weekend is David English with English Acres. David is a local grower with a beautiful property in Truman on which he has created an extensive vegetable garden. 

One of his garden plots is a truly enchanting space complete with quaint wooden fencing, a vine-draped archway and a profusion of colorful flowers decorating the outside. It feels like you’re walking into a magical garden!

 David’s passion for gardening is obvious in the beautifully maintained beds and the artistic vision that created this gorgeous haven. David specializes in giant & field pumpkins, winning local competitions for his impressive specimens. His largest pumpkin to date weighed in at a whopping 1,068 pounds! He will be selling his, slightly smaller, pumpkins, summer & winter squashes and gourds at the markets this year so if you are planning on baking pumpkin pies or looking to do some pumpkin carving look no further than David’s beautiful pumpkins coming to the farmers market this fall! 

Growing these massive vegetables takes up a lot of space and David has built a huge enclosure that sprawls over his fields which houses large beds containing everything from various kinds of squashes, watermelons, white and orange pumpkins to his very impressive giant pumpkins. 

David will also be selling a variety of other home-grown fresh vegetables at the markets, including rhubarb, onions and corn 

Come and visit David, and all our other hardworking and talented vendors, this Saturday 8 July at the Emporium Town Square, 9am to 12pm.

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