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Monday, July 1, 2024

Library Nature Scavenger Hunt


Barbara Moscato Brown Memorial Library 

Join Us for a Fun-Filled and Educational Scavenger Hunt and Historical Presentation! 

We're excited to partner with the Lumber Heritage Region to bring you an exciting and educational event! Mark your calendars for July 9, 2024, at 3 PM and get ready for a day of discovery and adventure. You're invited to join us here at the library as Ms. Rowan Crisp, Education & Outreach Administrator for the Lumber Heritage Region, presents "The Pennsylvania Desert." Learn about the impactful history of Pennsylvania's lumber industry and the significant role of the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) in fighting forest fires and reforesting our lands. 

 After the presentation, there'll be a fun and educational scavenger hunt inside the library! Explore and discover nature-themed clues and treasures. Also, a light snack will be provided. 

This event is being held in conjunction with the library's 2024 Summer Reading Program. This program is FREE and open to students in grades kindergarten through 6th grade!
 No registration is required to attend this program. 
For any questions, please call the library at 814-486-8011. 

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