Cameron County PA

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Wednesday, May 31, 2023

June Programs @ Elk Country Visitor Center

click on photo to enlarge view  

Keystone Elk Country Alliance 

 Upcoming June programs are FREE and good for all ages! With the school season coming to an end, bring your kids down and join us at the Elk Country Visitor Center! With a lot of upcoming events throughout the summer, remember to visit our website, and click on the EVENTS tab to keep informed.

Meet Remote Workers

Meet Remote Workers

Wilds are Working project bringing six families to Cameron County during the month of July. 
 Lily Jones and James Cato both work remotely. Lily is a communications specialist for the Environmental Defense Fund and James is a regional organizer for Mountain Watershed Association. The couple is considering moving to a tight-knit community and plans to use the opportunity to test out livingand working in a small town.

Lily wants access to outdoor recreation where she can run a trail in the evening after work or enjoy a backpacking trip without a long drive. The couple also plans to enjoy kayaking either on the Driftwood Branch of the Sinnemahoning Creek or at the George B Stevenson Dam at Sinnemahoning State Park.

A committee operating under the direction of the Cameron County Chamber of Commerce had the task of sifting through 41 applications for the PA Wilds Remote Working project. “The committee focused on those ready to relocate and seeking the opportunity to leave big box stores and strip malls behind,” says chamber director Tina Solak.

Rotary News

On May 30th, Josh Woods (right) from the Highway Safety Network, was the guest speaker of Rotarian, Michele Glover (left). The Highway Safety Network partners with State Farm to help with funding for their Teen Safe Driving Initiatives and other safe driving programs.

This week we welcomed a special guest, former Emporium Rotarian and Club Secretary, Becky Fisher! Becky (right) attended the May 30th meeting as a guest of Kathy Strycula (left).

On May 30th, President Bonnie Smith (right) presented the Patriotism Award to CCHS Student Aaralyn Robinson (left) on behalf of the Emporium Rotary Club. Aaralyn was presented with a certificate and a $250 award for enrolling in and completing military basic training. Aaralyn (center) is pictured here with her parents, Bridgette Housler (right) and Brad Elliott (left).

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Hygrade Inn - Saturday Bakery

The Hygrade Inn will be rearranging our food days for the summer.
 First up, we will be moving our pop-up Friday Bakery to Saturday morning from 9-11am (or while supplies last). 
We will offer limited quantities of bread and pepperoni rolls under our tent at the Hygrade…that is when we aren’t at the Cameron County Farmers Market. 
If you would like to be guaranteed a loaf of bread or pepperoni rolls, you can order them online and pick them up on Saturday morning. Get more detail or to place an order, visit

Community Health Screening June 10th

click on photo to enlarge view 

Community Health Screening June 10th
 Don't miss this cost saving Health Screening! 
 You do not need a Dr.'s order to have this done.

R𝘦𝘨𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘉𝘦𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘴 𝘈𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘭 29𝘵𝘩 
 𝘙𝘦𝘨𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘋𝘌𝘈𝘋𝘓𝘐𝘕𝘌 𝘪𝘴 𝘑𝘶𝘯𝘦 7𝘵𝘩 
 𝘚𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘴 𝘑𝘶𝘯𝘦 10𝘵𝘩, 6:30 𝘈𝘔 - 9:30 𝘈𝘔

This cost saving screening is sponsored by the Emporium Rotary Club

Cameron County SPCA Basket Raffle


Cameron County SPCA
The Cameron County SPCA will be hosting a Basket Raffle at the Cameron County Chamber of Commerce from June 26th, 2023 to July 15, 2023.
The funds from this fundraiser will help to support our Spay and Neuter Program, and medical and basic supplies for the animals at the kennel.
The SPCA is volunteer based and runs off of donations. All animals, including kittens, are spayed/neutered prior to adoption!
If interested in donating a basket, please contact Lindsey Neyman, Cameron County SPCA President, at 814-331-3616 or if you have any questions. We would appreciate donations being picked up or dropped off by Friday, June 23, 2023.
Thank you for the continued support of the Cameron County SPCA by our community! We couldn’t continue operations without you!

The CCSPCA is also selling t-shirts for $20. 
Call 814-335-5915 or 814-486-0101 if you would like one. 

2nd Saturday Summer Concert Series presents Darkwater Duo

Coming soon to Emporium- 2nd Saturday Summer Concert Series presents Darkwater Duo

 Food Trucks will be on site and ready to serve at 5pm with music to start at 6pm 
Cream N Sugar Mobile & Fiammata Pizza 

40 East 4th Street in Emporium 

Rich Valley Wines will have PA Beers Otto's Pub and Brewery, Moscow Mules and RVW Wines and Wine Slushies available for purchase. 

Grab a chair, some friends & check out 2nd Saturday in the Town Square in Emporium on June 10th.

Annual Drum & Henry Kids Fishing Derby June 4th

This Sunday, June 4th at 1pm will kick off the Annual Drum & Henry Kids Fishing Derby!

 If you or someone you know has a youth 14 and younger think about coming to spend the day at the Bucktail Rod & Gun Club.
 There will be hotdogs, drinks, prizes and a visit from the ice cream truck!
 There are no fees for the youth to attend!

The Bucktail Rod & Gun Club is located at 523 Sizer Run Road, Emporium, PA. 15834

Creekside Sports Bar & Event Center Cornhole Update


Creekside Sports Bar & Event Center

 Our Weekly Cornhole Events on Mondays will be paused during the warmer months and until further notice. Please watch for updates on when we start back up.

Dark Sky Party

Dark Sky Party

 Join us at the future dark sky viewing area for an evening to learn about dark skies and be educated on the current dark sky map hanging over us nightly. Bring chairs, blankets, and flashlights! This will be the first dark sky party for the season. As we prepare for the future, please don't hesitate to ask questions for this event and we will do our best to suit needs. Please come and enjoy nature as we explore the night sky!

 Dark Sky at the reclaimed landfill on Cameron County land 
Saturday, June 3rd, 8PM - 11:45 pm

 From Sheetz in Emporium head South on Broad Street, cross the bridge and travel up state route 3001 towards the lookout for 3.6 miles until you reach the intersection of SR 3001 and May Hollow Rd. At the stop sign, continue straight on May Hollow Road for 2.3 miles and the entrance, and new sign, will be on your right. (sign pictured above) 
Follow Look Up Cameron County on Facebook for future updates.

Friday, May 26, 2023

West Creek Recreational Trail Association

At a brief ceremony recently, members of the Board of Directors of the West Creek Recreational Trail Association installed a directional map at the St. Marys trail head on West Creek Road. The map was designed by Mickayla Poland from PA Made, of St. Marys, and provides location and mileage information to help visitors to the Trail plan their trail experience. A similar map will also be installed at the trail head in Emporium. Mickayla also designed and produced leaflet maps that describe the trail and offer suggestions on its use. The leaflets will be available at tourist information locations around the area. The map project was supported by a grant from the Elk County Commissioners through the Elk County Community Foundation. The photo shows members of the Board of Directors of the Trail Association, Roger Young, Jesse Cunningham, Jude Weis, Tom Wagner and Bob Kirschner, with Mickayla Poland, owner of PA Made. Directors not present were Cliff Clark, Dave Greene, Jeff Ream and Tina Johns Solak

After the ceremony, the Board also viewed the newly-installed bridge across West Creek. The bridge will improve access to the trail parking lot and help to alleviate flooding issues for neighboring properties. The bridge was designed by J Ream Engineering Consultants of Emporium and funded through grants from the Elk County Community Foundation, the Elk County Commissioners, Seneca Resources and the George A. and Margaret Mee Foundation. It was installed by Northpoint Contracting of Emporium. 

The West Creek Trail is a publicly funded multi-use trail. It is open to the public for cross-country skiing and snowmobiling in the winter season and walking, hiking and bicycling during all seasons. More information is on the West Creek Trail Facebook page.

Meet Remote Workers


Meet Remote Workers
A committee operating under the direction of the Cameron County Chamber of Commerce had the task of sifting through 41 applications for the PA Wilds Remote Working project. “The committee focused on those ready to relocate and seeking the opportunity to leave big box stores and strip malls behind,” says chamber director Tina Solak. 

 PA Wilds indicated five applications should be selected, but the committee has opted to bring six to Cameron County for a month longstay in July. Two are single, two have significant others, and two have children. Their remote jobs range from engineering to self-employed. They are coming from Massachusetts, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Carlisle areas.

Over the next three weeks, we will introduce you to those arriving in July.

 Brent Whiting is from Lansdale and works at Temple University as the executive director for information systems. Brent will be joined by his wife who is an artist/crafter, three children and 2 dogs. Brent has spent time in Tioga County at a family cabin and has “often talked about moving to a rural area of the state”. The family are active volunteers in the Lansdale area. 

 Joni Bryan is from Westhampton Massachusetts and will be bringing her spouse and their dog named Denton. Joni owns her own company and designs and implements database solutions for nonprofit organizations. Joni has a passion for the military, as she followed in her fathers’ footsteps, and her son is currently serving in the United States Navy. In her free time, Joni rides motorcycles, reads, cooking and describes herself as an amateur anthropologist. Jace is a salesforce administrator with No Red Ink and has been a member of the NASA team for the Mars Rover project.

CC Historical Society Releases "The 1860 Journal of Thomas Hollen Circuit Riding Minister"

Rev. Hollen's Circuit 
click on photo to enlarge view  

The 1860 "Original" Journal of Thomas Hollen Circuit Rider Minister Presented by Cameron County Historical Society Pre-orders are now being accepted for a donation of $15 +$5 if you need it shipped.

Do you ever wish you could take a peek into the past to see how our ancestors lived? Unfortunately, they haven’t invented a time machine to transport us to the past.

But, thanks to Phil Burkhouse and Jim McCarrier we can travel through time, in the form of hand written records they preserved and donated to the Cameron County Historical Society.

The records were from the “Journal of Reverend Thomas Hollen” who was a circuit riding minister for the communities of Cameron and parts of Elk County during January 1, 1860 to February 20, 1861. The “Journal” records his visits to preach in homes, schools houses, churches and revivals. He visited the sick and performed marriages and funerals for his congregations. He helped settle disputes in families, and gave a hand to farmers, lumber rafters and anyone else who needed help.

As he traveled his circuit he stayed and dined with members of the congregations and enjoyed their hospitality. His life was difficult requiring traveling long distances weekly and being called out in all kinds of weather. He lived near the Pine Street Cemetery and Mission.

The journal itself was hard to transcribe; it was handwritten, and the spelling was based on phonics. We wished to keep original spelling which, in itself, was worth the effort in spite of that modern “irritable spell check”.

So, about 18 months later we now have our “peek” into the lives of our ancestors. Come and join us in visiting and learning about these families on Rev. Hollen’s circuit. Follow the map on the back cover of the book to locate some of the families. An index of over 100 ancestors will lead you quickly to your own relatives and some of our original pioneers that he came know.

Included along with the “Journal” are stories about some of the families and locations of interest. Did you know there was a “Grindstone Bridge” in Huntley? There was also a “Grindstone Narrows” on Bennett’s Branch of the Sinnamahoning Creek. Cowley Run was named for” Zenus Cowley” find out what unusual method he used to catch a mountain lion. Sterling Run once had the Indian name “Kikeos” and Emporium was once called Shippen. What we now call Winslow Hill was formerly called Mount Pleasant.

We invite you to come take this “Journey Through Time” on a visit with the circuit riding minister Reverend Thomas Hollen. A rare peek into our past and a record of their time among these wonderful mountains many of us call home.

Checks can be made out to the Cameron County Historical Society and sent to PO Box 433, Emporium, PA 15834.
Journal Surname Index & Stops 
click on photo to enlarge view 

Pratts East End Beverage Update


We would like to Thank all of our Vets on this Memorial Day weekend. 
To show our appreciation starting 5/29/23 we will offer any Vet, First Responder or Law Enforcement Officer a 5% discount every day except for Thursdays when it will still be 10%!!

Library has loads of programs, contest, and events for all ages this summer

Library has loads of programs, contest, and events for all ages this summer

The Barbara Moscato Brown Memorial Library has so much to look forward to this summer! In addition to our ever-expanding Summer Reading Program, the library has lots of contests, programs and fundraisers for everyone this summer.

June will be full of color as we launch our Name the Worm contest. As some may know, the children’s section of the library was recently named the “Anna English Youth Area” and the bookworm on the signage needs a name. Going now through July 1, the contest is open to children ages 5-12 and each participant will get their own bookworm plush.

Complete the coloring sheet available online and at the library and choose a name for our newest library friend (the worm). Completed coloring sheet and attached form should be submitted to the library no later than Saturday, July 1, 2023.

Winner will be chosen by blind poll (online and in newspaper) and announced July 21. The winner will receive a gift card to Sheetz courtesy of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services and an Amazon gift card from the library.
 Beginning June 12, the library will once again offer their Summer Snack Attack program. Children ages 2-18 are welcome to come by the library once a day and get a free snack pack. Each pack consists of a juice and a small snack. Limit one snack pack per child per day. No registration or signup is needed and snacks will be made available through August. 

The library has another set of computer and iphone classes coming June 27 at 11 am and 12 pm in partnership with the Community Education Center. Each class is only $10 and you can register directly with the CEC by calling 814-781-3437. They will also be hosting a Medicare workshop July 20 from 1-3 pm and there will be more details released about that program later in June. 

Another big book sale will also be coming your way in conjunction with Weekend in the Wilds, June 29, 30 and July 31 during regular library hours. We will have loads of books, magazines, puzzles, DVDs, and CDs. As always, items are sold on a donation basis, so just give what you can by placing money in the donation boxes made available throughout the sale. 

The Friends of the Library will also be holding their annual membership drive throughout the summer. If you have not donated in recent years, but would like to be added to their mailing list to support the library, please contact Library Staff at 814-486-8011 or by emailing and ask to be added to the Friends of the Library mailing list. You can also volunteer your time by completing the volunteer registration form at 

Also coming this summer, we will have Kanopy video streaming services, offer a community puzzle, bring back our Teen Dissection Camp in August, launch new library items and loads more.

Be sure to follow the Barbara Moscato Brown Memorial library on Facebook and Instagram for the latest updates or visit to see what’s shaking at your local library so you don’t miss out on everything the library has to offer. And you can always call staff at 814-486-8011 or visit the beautiful library building at 27 West 4th Street in Emporium.

Library Summer Reading Program Starting Soon

The 2023 Summer Reading Theme is All Together Now and the Barbara Moscato Brown Memorial Library is rolling out even more events and fun activities this year!

 In spirit of the program theme, the library will begin a “Lend a Helping Paw” donation drive for the local SPCA. 
The Library will have 3 in-person programs including our big end-of-program party in late July with a special guest performer for those registered for Summer Reading, plus, lots of fun take-home crafts, activities, and prizes.

 Registration is open now through June 23, and you can register online by going to and locating the Summer Reading program under our “Library Programs” tab. Parents and guardians, along with their children, can also come in and register for the Summer Reading Program in person anytime during the library’s regular service hours. 

Lend a Helping Paw donation drive will launch June 5 and will continue through August 31, 2023. Bring your donation items to the library during regular hours and place in the marked bin. CAM Co SPCA’s Wish List includes: paper towels, wet and dry food for kittens, cat treats, powdered milk for kittens, non-toxic cleaners, and small cat toys. 

This year, we’re starting off the Summer Reading Program with a very special kickoff event on June 23 at 4:30 pm with special guest, area author, John Schlimm. We will create a special piece of communal art, share stories, and enjoy some walking tacos. This will also be the last chance to submit registration forms for Summer Reading. 

The reading portion of the Program runs for the 5-week period from Monday June 26, through Saturday, July 29. The end-of-program party will be held the same day. We will also host a mid-event Chalk the Walk program with help from ADAS where kids will make their own chalk and create a “chalk walk” outside the library. 

Reading requirements are simple and every effort is made to adjust to a family's summer schedule of vacations and other summer events. Students along with their parents or guardians set their own reading goals as to the number of books they will read each week during the Summer Reading Program. 

Those participating can visit the library for their reading logs at any time. Encouraging youngsters to read over their summer vacation is the aim of the Summer Reading Program. There is no contest to see who can read the greatest number of books. EVERYONE who completes the Summer Program and fulfills their reading goals will be invited to a special party (along with some great surprises) at the conclusion of the Program.

 For more details, or to register find the “Library Programs” tab at or call the library at 814-486-8011.

Susan E. Bogart


Susan E. Bogart, 74, of Emporium, PA passed away at Guy & Mary Felt Manor, Emporium, PA on Friday (May 26, 2023) morning following a lengthy illness. She was born January 23, 1949 in Mineola, New York a daughter of the late Frederick and Jane Lockard Haupert. On February 1, 1969 in St. Mark Catholic Church she married William H. Bogart, who survives.

Susan graduated from Fox Lane High School in Bedford, NY and attended Robert Morris College. She spent many years helping her husband establish and manage his business while being an homemaker. She worked as a secretary for Malizia Law Firm and retired from the Cameron County School District after 21 years of service as the administrative secretary. Susan enjoyed spending her time as an avid participant in her children’s activities throughout the years, such as serving as a Girl Scout leader, volunteering in their classrooms, and being a dedicated spectator throughout their different sports and activities.Her legacy was being a wonderful wife, mother and grandmother.

She is survived by her husband William; daughter, Christy Bennett (Mark), Emporium; son, Matthew Bogart (Christine), Amherst, NY; daughter, Angela Ranous (James), Apex, NC; three grandchildren: Breydan, Emma and Carter and a sister, Meta Haupert, Atlanta, GA

She was preceded in death by her parents and an infant son, Barry Dean Bogart.

There will be no visitation. Mass of Christian Burial will be Celebrated at the St. Mark Catholic Church, 235 East Fourth Street, Emporium, PA on Tuesday (May 30, 2023) at 10:30 AM with Rev. Paul S. Siebert, Pastor, as Celebrant.

Burial will be in the St. Mark Catholic Cemetery, Emporium, PA

Memorial Contributions may be made to St. Mark Catholic Church, 235 E. 4th Street, Emporium, PA 15834 or to Guy & Mary Felt Manor, Activity Fund, 110 East 4th Street, Emporium, PA 15834 or to Cameron County SPCA, 678 South Mountain Rd., Emporium, PA 15834

Online Condolences may be placed at

BARNETT FUNERAL HOME, Inc. entrusted with arrangements.a

Military Banners Replaced in Emporium

Earlier this week, the Sylvan Heritage Council and the Emporium borough crew, replaced 18 military banners in downtown Emporium. Two additional military banners were retired. As you may see from one of the photos, the sun and weather take their toll on these banners. We thank all those involved for their continued support of this program. A big thank you goes out to borough crew members, Bill Wiltrout, Anthony Putt and Mike Moscato for their help.

I would like to share this wonderful video created by Emporium native Kent Riegel. Kent created the attached video to beautifully showcase Emporium's military banner program. A total of 188 banners grace the streets of Emporium with pride.( Since the publication of this video, some military banners have been retired and some added.) We are so thankful for the huge amount of time and effort that went into making this for everyone to enjoy and share. Thank you Kent, truly. We are grateful.

One of the Sylvan Heritage's most important and impactful projects to date has been the establishment of our Military Banner Program. Introduced in 2015, the project has involved different rounds of sales, resulting in an incredible 188 banners flying proudly on the streetlights of virtually every street in Emporium, honoring our local military personnel and veterans. We partnered with our local graphics company, Art & Ink, who digitized each photo and created the layout, then sent them on for fabrication. The Emporium Borough streets crew hangs and diligently maintains them for us.

As we did earlier this year, on any day, the Sylvan Heritage Council invites you to take a walk or a drive around Emporium and view our 188 military banners! Some of them memorialize a veteran who paid the ultimate price for his country. Take a look for the others and, when you find them, say a humble thank you. The banners stretch from the west to east end bridges and from Second to Sixth Streets. On this day and every day, Cameron County is military proud and strong!

PA Wilds Remote Workers Coming To Cameron County

PA Wilds Remote Workers Coming To Cameron County

 PA Wilds, the Cameron County Chamber of Commerce and Emporium Foundation announcing an economic program for Cameron County. The Wilds are Working recruits those already working remotely to come to the county for the month of July. The project anticipated to pump more $30,000 into the economy for one month. “This economic boost comes directly to locally owned businesses in the county,” explains chamber of commerce executive director Tina Solak. 

The six families will stay in apartments, houses or Airbnb rentals starting June 30. Each family will be given a $1200 gift card that can only be spent at businesses that have signed up with the PA Wilds Yiftee Gift Card program. The chamber has been securing the registration for those businesses in anticipation of the remote workers arriving. So far nearly will accept the unique card.

“It is hoped that those coming will consider relocation,” explains Solak. The committee also hopes to hear constructive input on what was enjoyable, and what can be done to attract more workers or business to the county. Many of those in the program, will be using personal blogs, and social media to document their experience living in Cameron County.

Another benefit of the program is the nationwide exposure to Cameron County. “The PA Wilds marketed Cameron County to attract applicants,” Solak says. A video will be produced documenting the county along with window advertisements which will be installed in June. The window clings feature images from Eventide Photography and highlight the school system, outdoor recreation and other amenities that can be found in Cameron County. The businesses that will have the window clings include Emporium NAPA, C&N Bank, the former Emporium Hardware, Mountain Laurel Federal Credit Union, Emporium Food Market, Cameron County Nutrition, Aroma Café, Cameron County Chamber of Commerce, and The Willows Restaurant.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Former Erskine's Grove Pavilion Reconstructed

Hostetler Construction recently completed rebuilding the pavilion at the former Erskine's Grove.
Now under the ownership of Joe Roosa, this area will be available for use. 
A big thanks to owner Joe Roosa and Hostetler Construction for this project!


CC Farmers Market Introduces Freeze Dried Emporium

Cameron County Farmers Market 

 Only two more days to go until market day and we have a couple of new vendors to introduce you to. But first let’s welcome back a fan favorite from last year; Tasha VanSickle with Freeze Dried Emporium! 

 Yes, she’s back! I know that those of you that have tried her scrumptiously addictive freeze-dried treats will be very excited to hear that she will be joining us again this season! She was a big hit last year with her assortment of goodies, including freeze-dried caramels, taffies, chocolates and strawberry cheesecake bites or, for the savory lovers among you, she also made various freeze-dried vegetables, dill pickles and grilled cheese bites.

 This year she will be offering all of those again but has also added a new line of yumminess to get your tastebuds drooling. You will have to pop by her stall to check out what deliciousness she has conjured up for you this year! 

In coming markets she will also be adding cotton candy, home-made fluffy marshmallows and peanut brittle to her expanding menu so make sure to visit often to see what’s new every week. 

Tasha will once again be selling the popular PA Hickory Syrup as well.

 Tasha is helped in her endeavors by her industrious family. Her husband and kids are only too happy to roll up their sleeves and pitch in to help, making this a true family-run business. They have an ever expanding on-line store and sell their products nationwide. If you are just visiting our area and would like to order on-line you can find them at

 And if you get a craving in between market days you can also find their products at the Cameron County Artisan Center, Quail Hill Soap Co in St. Mary's, and Cream N' Sugar in Coudersport. 

 We are thrilled to welcome Tasha back to the market!

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Cameron County ~ Events for the weekend of May 27

photo by Cathy Straub 

Cameron County ~ Events for the weekend of May 27
Listed are some activities occurring this weekend in Cameron County. 
If you have any you would like me to add, email me at 
 Updates may be added closer to the weekend. 

 Cameron County Farmers Market 
 Saturday, May 27th, 9am - noon. 
  44 E. 4th Street, Downtown Emporium 
Plant Swap & Gardening Workshop
 Saturday, May 27th 
The plant swap, from 9am to 12pm & the workshop from 11am to 12pm. 
 44 E. 4th Street, Downtown Emporium 
Sinnemahoning Sportsmen's Club 
 May 27, Kids Fishing Derby @ May Hollow Sportsmen's Club 
The Little Museum in Sterling Run Doors opens for the season Saturday May27, 2022 from 1-4 PM. Contact us by calling 814-486-0334 & leave a message.
 E-mail, or check us out on Facebook. 
Museum Hours at Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday 1-4 PM. 
EHS/CCHS Annual Alumni Banquet 
 Saturday, May 27th @ 6 pm 
 Cost is $25 Reservation deadline is May 13th Applications are in the CC Echo
CCHS Class of 1973 50th Class Reunion 
 May 27th @ 8 - 12 pm. Please join the CCHS Class of 1973 at the Cameron County Vets Club in Emporium in celebration of their 50th Class Reunion. Dance the night away with DJ Dana Dane from Baltimore Md. All are welcome.
Rich Valley Wines 
Tasting room hours 
Tubby's Tavern 
 Saturday, May 27th
 Music by Kelley Jeanne 6pm -9pm 
Non smoking.    Open jukebox to follow
Sinnemahoning Sportsmen's Club 
Saturday, May 27th 
 Music by Old Skook @ 4 pm
Sizerville Park
Pool opens Saturday, May 27th 
Weekend activities are listed at the link below
Memorial Day Parade
 May 29 from 10- noon
Downtown Emporium on Main Street 

Sinnemahoning State Park -  
 For a complete list of programs at Sinnemahoning State Park, visit the DCNR Calendar of Events at 

For a complete list of programs at Sizerville State Park, visit the DCNR Calendar of Events at



Cameron County Little League Schedule 
Click on LL Calendar on the home page. 
Lewis's Wycoff Run Fish Nursery 
We raise fingerlings all year to stock the local streams.
We are open to children 12 & under from the railroad bridge to the main stream.
Creekside Sports Bar & Event Center
Cornhole every Monday night @ 6 pm.  All skill levels welcome. Details call (814) 486-0229 
Cameron County School District
Spring Sport Schedule can be found here
Bingo @ the CC Vets Club 
 Every 1st & 3rd Monday of the month Doors open @ 5 pm 
Calling starts @ 6:30 427 E. 3rd Str. Emporium 
Beginning in May 2023, our distribution dates have changed so make sure to update your calendars. 
Cameron County Food Pantry
2023 Distribution Dates 

Rich Valley Wines
 Planning for the 2023 2nd Saturday Summer Concert Series has begun! 
 Mark the dates down now and plan to join us
Emporium Senior Center
May 2023 Events 
Driftwood Saloon 2023 Entertainment Schedule 
 June 10th at 7pm - 11pm Billy Mac 
 July 15th at 8pm - 11pm Dos Hombres 
 Sept 3rd at 4pm - 8pm Melissa Sauers 
 Oct 28th at 7pm - 11pm Old Skool
 Nov 18th at 7pm - 11pm Old Skool 
 Dec 2nd at 8pm - 11pm Dos Hombres 
 Dec 31st at 8pm - midnight Melissa Sauers 
375 Driftwood Ave. Driftwood, PA 

Smoker’s Insane Terrain Off-road Park 
 List of events for 2023

 May 20th.
 Head-to-Head Mud Truck Racing & Bog.  
Music by Vinnie & the Mudflaps, Camping 
 June 17th.
 Music Fest, 4 Bands will play. No Racing 
 July 2nd.
 Smash & Dash Car Races/ Tire Pull 
 Aug 5th.
 Super Soaking Summer Bash 
No racing this day. Spectator rides through the mud. Vendors on site.
 Sept 16th
Mega Truck Event 
Follow their links for details and updates!
FB Homepage 
Cameron County Farmers Market 
Now accepting vendor applications for the 2023 season.
 We are excited to announce that we will be having market days TWICE A MONTH this season! 
 Come visit us every 2nd & 4th Saturdays of the month, from May until October at the Emporium Town Square (44 E 4th St, Emporium, PA). There will be a couple of days that we will need to relocate to Chestnut St due to other events, but we will keep you posted on that so stay tuned for updates. 
Emporium Borough Clean Up Day 
Every Saturday in May 6am - 8 pm at the Borough Shed on 2nd street.
Residents must confirm with the Borough office prior to dumping. 
Call 814-486-0768
Video cam can confirm usage of authorized users. 
3rd Annual KECA Golf Outing 
June 2, 2023
Details at this link 
Country Blessings Craft Show & Direct Sale Vendors 
Saturday, June 3rd .Set up at 9 am. Sale 10am-2pm.
$20 per spot. Bring your own table.
At the new Country Blessings location 
104 Wheaton Hollow 
Emporium, PA 15834 
Message MaryAnn Hockey via FB for more info.
Drum & Henry Fishing Derby 
Sunday, June 4th @ the Bucktail Rod & Gun Club, Sizer Run
The Derby runs from 1pm - 4 pm for kids 14 years & younger.
Live bait only, 3 fish per child. Refreshments will be available.
CCHS School Pool Opens 
June 5th 
12:30 - 7:30 Monday - Saturday
12:30-4:30 on Sundays
Follow their FB page for info on water aerobics, swim team, swim lessons.
Community Health Screening 
Saturday, June 10th @ the Emporium Fire Hall 
Sponsored by the Emporium Rotary Club 
John Overturf Memorial Ride 
Saturday, June 10th 
Sinnemahoning Sportsmen's Club Snake Hunt 
Saturday June 10 & Sunday June 11
 Little League Carnival 
June 11th - June 18th 
South Broad Street
Red Cross Blood Drive
Thursday, June 15th from 11:30am-5:30pm
427 E. 3rd Street, Emporium 
Cameron County Longbeards Cornhole Tournament 
Saturday, June 17 @ the Emporium Firehall 

2023 Men's Member Guest Tournament 
June 23,24,25
Emporium Country Club
Endless Mountains Adventure Race 
June 26 @ 9 am - July 1 @ 9 am 
Midget Mayhem Wrestling & Brawling 
Wednesday, June 28 
Starts @ 8 pm 
Buy tickets here 
Weekend in the Wilds 
June 30 - July 1
Downtown Emporium
2023 Ladies Member Guest Tournament 
July 7th -July 8
Emporium Country Club 

2nd Annual Cruise in @ the Willows Bar & Restaurant
Saturday, July 15. Noon till 6 pm  

2023 100 Mile yard Sale 
  100 Mile Yard Sale through Elk and Cameron Counties in July 21st & 22nd. 
Red Cross Blook Drive 
CC Vets Club 
Thursday, August 10 from 11:30am-5:30 pm 
427 E. 3rd Street, Emporium
Emporium Alle-Cat Alumni Game 
Saturday, August 26th @ 3 pm 
Every dollar raised benefits the CC Little League Field
Super Weekend
August 25-27
Downtown Emporium 
Emporium Volunteer Fire Dept.16th Annual Sportsmen's Bash
Saturday, Sept. 9th 
Doors Open @ 11 am
Reach out to any member or message the FB page for tickets

Shout out to my friend Becca Peters
 Dog Boarding Weekly and weekends available