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Wednesday, March 4, 2020

October Woodworks and Gifts

I love to share news about Cameron County and its residents. My latest find is October Woodworks. Nicholas Cressley is the man behind all the action and this article he is allowing me to share describes what he does.

I love this sign Nick has made!

Follow Nick on his Facebook site

My name is Nicholas Cressley and I am the man behind the creations at October Woodworks. I have a bachelor’s degree in Art from IUP in Indiana PA where I currently reside with my wife, dog, and cat. I started woodworking when my dad gave me a few saws and clamps because I kept complaining about wanting to build things and not having the tools to build them. This led to the creation of a few projects for around my house (some of which are for sale in the shop today) and eventually led to the creation of October Woodworks.

 I struggled to come up with a good name for my little side business and eventually decided to name it October because that is the month that I met and married my wife, who has given me many ideas and inspirations. If you didn’t know, I come from a family of woodworkers, my dad (The Half- Assed Carpenter) my uncle Abby, and my brother all have fully operational wood shops in Emporium PA where I was born and raised. I’m still learning, with guidance from my dad (and YouTube), different techniques and tools and I try to utilize these skills with each project that I make.

Woodworking is a side gig for me and I do it out of enjoyment not to make a fortune which is why I try to make the items that I put up for sale very reasonably priced. It feels awesome to be able to see someone smile when they receive something that I created in my shop and I look forward to seeing what’s to come for October.

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