Many have seen this post from my friend, Chrissy Slusarick, on Facebook.
I wanted to share it here, for those of you that do not have FB.
If we could all take a part, no matter how small, in giving back to our community, being proud of our home and county, and work towards the beautification of Emporium and Cameron County, people will take notice because we are taking notice. Be proud of your county, your home, brag about it, let it be contagious! As Chrissy said ' Be an ambassador, It will only serve to benefit us all.
"I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives. I like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of him." - Abe Lincoln.
As have many small towns in Pennsylvania, Emporium has seen big changes over the decades, and at some point along the way, it became more commonplace to talk badly about it than to stand up for it. Lately, finally, I feel as though that's changing. Each one of us, today, has the ability to make it even better - from the tangible (pick up a piece of trash, pull your weeds, volunteer your time) to the more nebulous (look for and talk about all the good in our schools, be a good neighbor, be positive about this beautiful, peaceful valley we call home.)
The Sylvan Heritage Council has been working tirelessly for over ten years to beautify, to create positivity and pride, and to help others to look for and see all the good we have here. It's been an incredible journey and learning experience, starting literally from nothing, but a decade later, we are still here and putting our time - and ourselves -
out there in our community. We are embarking soon on a downtown facade improvement project that will change the face of many of our storefronts because it does matter how our community looks; beautification is not superficial, it's critical. Equally important, however, is how we think. Have pride in our home, in our school, in our small businesses, in our history. I, for one, am proud of my hometown and fiercely loyal to it. Be an ambassador, not a naysayer. It only serves to benefit us all.