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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Rotary News -New President Takes Office


The Rotary Club of Emporium's annual year came to an end June 30th and a new year began July 1st. Outgoing President John Rosenberger handed the gavel over to incoming President Mike Daley. 
 We want to thank John for his commitment and dedication to our club and welcome and support Mike as he begins his year. 
 Our annual Picnic is in the works and tickets will be available very soon. This picnic is open to the over 21 years of age public. Come and enjoy homemade clam chowder, shrimp, clams, steak dinner and all you can drink refreshments at the Rod and Gun Club on Sizer Run Road August 21st. 
 Contact any Rotarian or stop and see Emily Costanzo at Straub Insurance for your ticket. 
 Reserve your ticket now!

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