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Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Ease the Heitzenrater Family's Financial Burden


Ease the Heitzenrater Family's Financial Burden

Hi, my name is Kelly (Bennett) Spencer and I am a close family friend of the Heitzenrater Family. If you have not yet heard, we are grieving the loss of our dear friend Brian Heitzenrater. The family believes he suffered a major heart attack at home on February 6th, and while he was rushed to the hospital, he unfortunately did not make it. He was only 47 years old. He was the sole provider for his wife, Melanie, and their 3 children: Logan, Jack, and Zoey.

We are asking that if anyone is able to help ease the financial burden that comes alongside loss, they would be so grateful. Any gift is not too small. All monies will be used by the family to help pay their bills and sustain them during this difficult time.

If you would rather donate in another way outside of GoFundMe, Cash or Checks made out to Melanie can be dropped off at Northwest Bank in Emporium, PA. I would also be happy to deliver any monies directly to her if that option is needed for anyone as well.

More than anything, please be praying for this precious family. Brian was a wonderful guy and this loss is just really, really hard. We trust Brian is with Jesus, but we want to show support to the ones left behind.

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